DH loves drumsticks so when I picked up a few at the store I envisioned making BBQ chicken. The only problem was my grill was out of propane, so I needed to find a way to do it in the oven. I have a convection oven but since I have not used one in the past I am still figuring out how to do it. It produces a nice crispy outside on the chicken. This was one of my first tries and it turned out wonderfully. I used this recipe for inspiration. Austin's Own BBQ sauce is the only one I have found to be gluten, soy and casein free.
6 drumsticks
1 bottle of Austin's Own BBQ Sauce
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Brush the drumsticks with BBQ Sauce and place on a cookie sheet or pan with shallow sides. This allows the air to circulate. Cook for 30 min and brush with more BBQ Sauce. Cook for another 15 min. Check to make sure the temperature has reached 165 to 170 degrees. Enjoy!
Hey there, thank you for your blog! I am curious what kind of chicken you use? I can only eat Publix Greenwise (so far). Your picture of BBQ chicken inspired me today to venture out and buy food, I am going to try Pilgrams chicken (we'll see) it's very hard when it's an allergy tho because I am miserable if I make a mistake with my food and my skin doesn't heal for weeks and the itching doesn't stop for up to 10 days. ...but I thank you for your blog, you've inspired me!